About Saira


An independent researcher into all that is required for true well-being both at the physical level and that of the mind and spirit, Saira has spent many years refining her understanding of the real issues that lie behind the many symptoms of imbalance we see around us.

 As well as consulting for international companies, talking and teaching internationally, lecturing to fellow therapists and spiritual seekers and writing articles, programmes & courses, for many years Saira ran a successful private practice taking clients, one-on-one, through the many ways to restore well-being and lead a more empowered life.

 Her lifelong love of myth and legend informs her understanding of the archetypal forces we all play with, and has taken on new life following a move to the beautiful borderlands of Wales where the old gods still dwell.

 A lifetime student of both earth energies and the Ancient Wisdom teachings, a qualified naturopathic and holistic health teacher, and metaphysician and spiritual seeker for many years her research has taken her from the physical world of the body and its cells to the quantum world of energy and spirit, from ancient spiritual techniques to New Age modalities, from mankind’s ancient origins to new timelines opening up for the human race. 

 Combining the profound wisdom of our ancestors with the cutting edge insights of modern science, Saira can take complex concepts and make them accessible and through the breadth of her knowledge has the ability to join seemingly unrelated dots.

 Her integrated vision of how both people and the world works have won her a faithful following.  Her own journey of transformation has taken many pathways, both physical and metaphysical, which all inform her approach to help others on their quest to live a healthy, authentic, engaged and purposeful life.

 Embodying the archetypes of the seer, the healer, the wisdom keeper, the researcher, and the teacher within – to name a few – Saira brings a unique synthesis to the knowledge and insights she has gained and her ability to see ‘what lies beneath’ enables her to cut through the white noise, disinformation and irrelevance of much of what is thrown in the way of the true seeker of both wisdom and spiritual enlightenment.

 Working with the Grail concept of wholeness, the uniqueness of each individuals vison and journey, and the mythic patterns that lies within all of us Saira will guide you and introduce you to life’s mysteries, wonders and pathways to enlightenment.

 The more you understand the more texture and colour life takes on, the broader the horizons, the more magnificent the vision of what you are capable of, and the greater your sense of connection to All that Is.
This is the real reason we are here, why we strive and struggle.
It just takes some of us longer than others to realise it.’

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