What Are EMFs? EMFs is short for Electro Magnetic Fields, which are made up of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields - all of them invisible to the eye. Electricity has only been used domestically for about 100 years, and during this period of time we have...
Articles by Saira Salmon
Beating the Winter Blues
Survival Strategies for Winter Now Christmas with its many indulgences is behind us, many of us are feeling less than fit and active, and the dark days of January stretch ahead. Our systems feel sluggish and it’s very hard to get motivated, let alone find the will...
Mind-Body Connection
The Mind-Body Connection When we think of health and well-being most of us just think of it in the sense of the physical body. In fact, in a truly holistic sense it is really about a sense of wellness in EVERY area of your life – not just being physically healthy,...
Love Your Liver!
Love Your Liver! This is the time of year when your body is doing its best to spring clean! As we head towards the summer months, the sluggishness of winter is thrown off, and accumulated toxins and acidity are (hopefully) released. This is when you liver can go into...
Gut Bacteria – The Key to Healthy Living
Probiotics – Fundamental to Health The more we learn about our so-called ‘friendly bacteria’ the more it is becoming apparent they are vital to not only good health, but also to the quality of our life. There are so many things that won’t happen well if you don’t have...
Natural Alternatives to Drugs
Natural Alternatives to Drugs Drugs are the method of choice of most doctors for treating ailments, major and minor. But were you aware that there is a wide range of natural nutrients and herbs which are as effective – if not more so – at treating these conditions?...
Is Your Medication A Nutrient Thief?
Is Your Medication a Nutrient Thief? Heart disease, high cholesterol, depression, HRT, the Pill, antibiotics. high blood pressure, arthritis – we all know someone taking drugs to help with these common conditions. Is it possible that the prescribed drugs may be doing...
Living Too Short, Dying Too Long
Living Too Short, Dying too Long What do I mean by that – well simply that too much of the majority of people’s lives is spent suffering – and eventually dying – from what are known as the chronic degenerative diseases. Too much of one’s life is spent battling...
The Miracle That is Magnesium
The Miracle That is Magnesium Indispensable to both heart and general health, magnesium is a much over-looked mineral that plays an essential role in lowering cholesterol, ensuring good sleep and relaxation as well as ensuring correct use of important minerals like...