Does the Pill Cause Depression?

Does the Pill Cause Depression?

The newspapers have been making much of the fact that a new study links taking the Pill with a higher incidence of depression – in fact women on the Pill are 23% more likely to take antidepressants – and it rises to a whopping 80% for teenagers on a combined oral...
Working with the Equinoxes

Working with the Equinoxes

We’ve just past the vernal, or autumn, equinox.  A time which is all about balance – balance between the dark and light, day and night, inner and outer. But there is another curious thing that you can see unfolding at this time.  I remember the Principal...
Eating for Two!

Eating for Two!

Having the right nutrition throughout pregnancy can make a big difference to both mum and baby.  Even small deficiencies can have an impact on the foetus, and contribute to birth defects. A small lack of many nutrients – Vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, zinc,...